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Sexual Harassment:

It is Not a Compliment.  

It is Against the Law.

Sexual harassment is not tolerated at Positive Outlooks, LLC. immediate disciplinary action will be brought upon anyone who is proven to be responsible for any acts of harassment of any kind towards any employee or client of Positive Outlooks, LLC. during work or after hours and both in person or virtually. 

Use the link below to complete the CHRO state-required 2-hour Sexual Harassment training.  Please set 2 hours aside for this training. You can take notes, it does allow you to go back and revisit the video, and it will go over the answers with you.

Positive Outlooks, LLC. reserves the right to provide additional and supplemental sexual harassment training throughout the year. 

More information about these training requirements, your rights, and links to sexual harassment posters can be found here:

All Employees must submit the completed certification to:

Positive Outlooks Development Coordinator: 

Christine Sedita 


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