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Acquired Brain Injury Waiver 

The information below is solely for individuals and their care managers already approved for services under the Acquired Brain Injury Waiver(s).Individuals that have not been approved for these waiver(s) will not have access to the services described below through Positive Outlooks LLC. Positive Outlooks, LLC. does not process or approve any applications for ABI waiver Services. If you are looking to be approved for these services, contact The Connecticut Department of Social Services. We can not provide you with additional information on these services as they are unique to each individual under their approved service plan with DSS. The below services are not covered under the Homemaker & Companion License through the Department of Consumer Protection and are not regulated through such agency, but are contract services under The Department of Social Services. 

"The Acquired Brain Injury Program -

The Department of Social Services operates the Acquired Brain Injury Program which provides a range of non-medical, home and community-based services to help adults who have an acquired brain injury live in the community.


Without these services, the adult may require placement in an institutional setting. The program is designed to assist participants to relearn, improve or retain the skills needed to live successfully in the community.


The program follows the principles of person-centered planning to develop an adequate, appropriate and cost-effective plan of care from a menu of home and community-based services to achieve personal outcomes that support the individual's ability to live in his/her community of choice. An adult determined eligible for the ABI Program qualifies for all Medicaid covered services."


-Connecticut Department of Social Services

Under the Acquired Brain Injury Waiver provided by the Department of Social Services Positive Outlooks, LLC. offers an array of non-medical and non-diagnostic services to fit your individualized needs. Positive Outlooks, LLC. can only provide ABI waiver services for an individual pre-approved under the ABI Waiver(s) programs. These services can not be provided to private clients not already approved for these services by the State of Connecticut. We can not assist you in the application or approval process. You will be assigned a care manager and/or support and planning coach through the waiver by an access agency unassociated with Positive Outlooks, LLC. to help you go over all of your options and speak to you about the 'pros and cons' of using an agency or private hire services under your waiver based on your personal needs and goals.  

Positive Outlooks, LLC. does not provide medical services or provide diagnosing abilities in any of our services.  Positive Outlooks, LLC. encourages potential clients to find the best agency or private provider that works best for them. We believe in consumer choice and person-centered care. 

Positive Outlooks, LLC. offers the following non-medical ABI Waiver Services: 

  • Independent Living Skills Training 

  • Personal Care Assistants 

  • Homemaker 

  • Companion

  • Options Counseling/ Support & Planning Coaching

Personal Care Assistants or referred to as PCA services are non-medical services similar to Homemaker and companion services. They are non-medical services that include both the companion and homemaker functions at home and in the community while providing basic hygiene. At no time can a PCA provide medical care or treatment including wound care. Our PCAs are trained in autonomy, person-first, professional boundaries, and ethics, and undergo continuous training and professional development throughout their time with Positive Outlooks, LLC. 

Companion Services are the same as our private companion services. They provide basic supervision and social interactions that ensure the safety and wellness of our clients. They do not provide hands-on care such as bathing/shower, etc. Companion services are often utilized to supervise an individual when it is unsafe to leave them alone or provide them with companionship and socialization. 

Options Counseling & Support and Planning Coaching is a non-medical service that informs clients of their options to assist them in reaching their own personal goals and independence. Clients who utilize this service by us can not utilize any of our other services including companion and homemaker services due to the potential of conflict of interest. Positive Outlooks, LLC does not partner with or have preferences for other agencies and can not recommend any specific agency to provide alternative services. However, our options counselors and support and planning coaches can help our clients obtain a list of approved providers to review independently from Allied Community Resources. 

Independent Living Skills Training is a service provided by Positive Outlooks, LLC. under the ABI waiver(s) for pre-approved clients. These are non-medical teaching services that help clients perform their activities of daily living on their own. 'Teaching' is in reference to helping clients think of ways to perform tasks differently than they had before their brain injury. This can include prompts and reminders or assist clients in getting the resources they need to live independently.  ILST services are not intended to be treated or related to occupational therapies or physical therapies. However, we ensure our ILSTs have ongoing training and excellent resources to provide our clients with the most up-to-date information and services that could be available to them in activities of daily living. 


What Positive Outlooks, LLC. Offers: 
We offer recreational activities, group outings, local fairs, community service projects, and bus trips throughout the year that are open to all of our clients regardless of the services they are being provided. We believe by both hosting and arranging these events individuals can have more access to their community. We strive to find low-cost to no-cost activities that help provide socialization and entertainment for our clients.  We put out a monthly newsletter that features articles and photos by our clients, as well as great resources for the month. 

Positive Outlooks, LLC. also posts a monthly newsletter that outlines some great activities, recipes, resources, and community events. In addition, in our newsletter, we share artwork, articles, poems, and photos by our clients and staff as well! 


*Positive Outlooks, LLC. can not provide the ABI Waiver services to private clients that are not actively approved for state waiver services through any of the programs through the State of Connecticut. Positive Outlooks, LLC can not approve or assist in becoming approved for these services. The information above is to help answer questions of individuals already approved for these services or for social workers, conservators, or case managers in charge of discharge or care plan services under these waivers. 


Below are links to resources related to ABI Waiver Services. Positive Outlooks, LLC. does not provide all the services offered under the waiver. References below should not be misunderstood as services offered by Positive Outlooks, LLC under the waiver. 
State of Connecticut ABI Waiver Services Flyer:
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