Positive Outlooks, LLC. understands the importance of taking COVID-19 (Corona Virus) very seriously.
In order to prevent or reduce the spread of the virus, our staff has been required to follow all of the mandates set forth by both CDC and the State of Connecticut.
Positive Oulooks, LLC. also provided masks for employees upon request. Masks are required when working with clients at all times. Our staff is required to let us know if they have been exposed so we can take steps to notify individuals, in confidentiality, that they may have been exposed so they can reduce exposure to their family and get tested.
Our agency will continue to follow all of the guidelines set forth by the CDC and the State of Connecticut, to ensure our clients and their families have the lowest risk of transmission while also keeping our staff and their families safe. There is always a risk of exposure. There are still many unknowns about this virus. We will continue to update our policies and procedures to this virus as more information because available to us and the public.
We will continually update our staff and clients on Covid-19 and any changes set out by the CDC and the State of Connecticut.
Masks required
Maintain a distance of 6' when feasible
Practice proper handwashing- Minimum of 20 Seconds with soap and water
Use hand sanitizer when handwashing is unavailable
Clean frequently used and shared surfaces
Minimize exposure to public gatherings
Take temperatures and monitor health. If you do not feel well seek a professional health care provider for consultation.
Some More Common Symptoms of COVID-19;
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
This is not to diagnose COVID-19.
If you are feeling unwell or have a fever,
it is important to call a medical professional.
Here are some informative resources:
CDC COVID-19 Guidance for Older Adults:
Conneticut COVID-19 Health & Safety Information
Thank You Essential Workers
From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank all of our staff members and home care providers for being there for our clients throughout this pandemic.
The bravery of being an essential worker and ensuring clients have their needs are met is admirable during this time.
When our providers took their positions, they had no way of knowing just how essential they would become during such a global pandemic.
They have become the lifeline for individuals who rely on them for everything from grocery shopping, activities of daily living, hygiene, and much more. They have shown up every day.
We could not be more proud of the individuals who work at Positive Outlooks, LLC.
Positive Outlooks Team