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Additional Links & Information:

Money Follows the Person is a program 

Money Follows the Person Program is a state-regulated program designed to help an individual to live in the community after a stay in a nursing home.  The program provides funding for an array of home care and home health services, along with transitional services and budgets to help pay for the transition. The budget also includes adaptive living devices and more. There are waiting lists and eligibility requirements for this program.

Connecticut's Community First Choice Medicaid Option
Connecticut's Community First Choice Option is a Medicaid option that is available to everyone at risk of being admitted to a nursing home. The program is designed to provide nursing home level/type assistance within the home. The program is designed to keep people within their homes and in the community among their loved ones.

The State of Connecticut, Department of Developmental Services Resource Center:|


United Way Information Hotline

United Way's database is a great source of information to help you the resources you need when you need them the most. They can assist in everything from heating assistance to finding legal aid. 

Dial 2-1-1 or visit











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